Monday, March 18, 2013

I dreamed a dream...

I dream of JOY.  Real, gut wrenching, toe tingling, cheek numbing JOY expressed through intentional relationships and incredible adventure.  Here is a glimpse (though incomplete) at some of the hopes, dreams and longings that I hold for myself.

Leaving a legacy
Setting foot on the 6 main continents (only South America and Australia to go)!
Growing old with a man who makes me a better me
Finding a job that fills me with purpose and joy
Balancing a bowl full of ice cream on my 8 month preggo belly
Growing in grace and generosity
Backpacking Australia/New Zealand
Knowing without a doubt what I believe and sharing it eagerly like the best chocolate bar I've ever had
Being ok with grey
Living a worthwhile, wonderful story
Seeing the World’s Wonders and experiencing its Amazing Cultures
Having a home constantly full of friends, family and fresh baked bread
Fluently speaking foreign languages in foreign lands
Crossing off cool eateries from neighborhood bucket list
Camping through America’s National Parks 
Trekking the Camino de Santiago with a best friend
Star Gazing through the Northern Lights                                         
To savour moments and memories, and not take them for granted
Sleepless nights cradling my firstborn
Mastering the art of humility
Choosing people over productivity
Ostentatiously celebrating victories for myself and others
Creating and living in real, tangible, true community
Making margins
Being a Lifelong  Learner. 
To know and be known. Fully. Absolutely.
To be happy and content… (and dare I say, maybe even proud) with who I am, as I am.

{Dream, and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.  ~Joy Page}

Coming Soon... list #2

My apologies for not being more on top of it.  Friday came and went faster than I could realize!  A lot has been happening over here.... Like getting ready for a brand new job starting Next Monday!  EAK!

Regardless, Please stay tuned... Blog Challenge List (BCL?) # 2 will be released later this week for sure.  I promise!!  Possibly even later today if I get my buns in gear. (otherwise i will have 2 very disappointed blogger friends breathing down my back.)

This list was initiated by the talented and delightful Stephanie and is a compilation of dreams, wishes, goals and someday someways...  Some refer to these as bucket lists... but don't feel confined to a mere list of to dos and sees.  This can be anything.  While you *patiently* wait for mine to materialize, start thinking of your own!! or... check Kara and Stephanie's blogs... and then start harassing them for their past due lists too!

via weheartit

Friday, March 1, 2013

how I take care of myself

I am excited to introduce this first installment in our quest for bi-weekly posts and lists and fun little random tidbits.  Below is a glimpse into some of the things that fill me with joy and feed my soul.  What fuels you??