Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Kicks!

The 'oh so fabulous JHam' (and her inspiring accomplice Etsy) have recently rekindled my need to create.   And what's more fun than art you can wear!!  A couple days ago while looking for running shoes, the girlies and I found a much more entertaining option than athletic wear- plain white Vans-esk slip-ons.  (i say "Vans-esk" because these particular $5 shoes are actually LeiNiEr brand- the E Asia knock-off equivalent of their more known "Off the Wall" counterparts)

Reminiscent of Jr. High when skaters and skate shoes ruled the school, and the coolest of cool kids customized their kicks with sharpies and white-out pens, we each bought ourselves some new kicks and dreamed at the possibilities of the blank canvas.  

When pen (and paint) finally hit paper (or... canvas) this was the result:  

I suggest everyone go out a design your own shoes.  Its super Fun- I kinda want to make a pair for every mood.

Kaleidescope of Happiness

Vibrant colors make me happy!  

I love walking out my apartment door and having the world at my fingertips.  The curbside market full of bowls, mops, thinga-ma-jigs and whatcha-ma-call-its brings a bright splash of joy to the drab greyness of Asia.

The neat rows of beads and gems always add a little sparkle to my day.  I love taking a gander at table after table of trinkets and goodies.  Whether curbside commodities or indoor accessories, markets make me smile.


Who says kaleidoscopic art can't be aesthetic and appetizing?! One of the few coffee shops to be found in our neck of the woods offers fruit platters with pizazz!  Tasty and Fabulous. 

When the pollution, persistent smog and concrete everything get me down, I am happy to find a few treasures  to add some vivacity back to my life.  Hope you find something full of color and character today!